воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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So Tina Fey has been gaining worldwide notoriety this fall for her portrayal of Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live, and the surrounding debate over which of them is funnier, which one is actually taking her career seriously, which one is likely to have a high profile job next year, etc.

Naturally, this in turn led people to wonder whether the real Palin would take a turn on the show, and if so, just what might happen.

Now, we have our answer:


Nothing at all happened.

She was given about two lines to speak, which I'll transcribe for you.

At the start of the show, the first sketch was a "breaking the fourth wall" routine about how Palin showed up while Fey was doing her impersonation, and the backstage reaction, followed by her coming out on stage to finish the routine. Here's what they let her say:

Thank you. Thank you. Now, I'm not going to answer any of your questions. But I do want to take this opportunity to say "live from New York it's Saturday night."

"Not taking any questions." Ha ha. Funny because it's true, not because it's, you know, funny.

Then during the Weekend Update news bit, they brought her out "to clear up misconceptions", and again she explicitly refused to say anything:

Palin: Thank you, Seth. Thanks, Amy. And thanks for the chance to come out here tonight. But I've been thinking it over, and I'm not going to do the piece that we rehearsed.

Seth: But you were really good at it.

Palin: Oh I know. And it was really fun, too, but my gut is telling me that it might be a bad idea for the campaign.

Seth: Are you sure?

Palin: Yeah. After a lot of thought, I think it might just cross the line.

And from there, the regular cast goes into a silly rap routine they they were going to have Palin so. (Yeah, sure they were.)

There was a little bit more patter than this, but these two lines were the heart of what they had her say.


It wasn't funny, it wasn't revealing in any overt way, and it played to negative perceptions (and realities) of her campaign -- for example, she's most effective when she's "on script" (e.g. The nomination speech), but has a natural inclination to improvise off-script, which doesn't work well (e.g. The Gibson Couric interviews), so she's being coached on the material and urged to stay on message (e.g. The Couric Interview with McCain sitting in), and also crank up the folksy personality avoid answering direct questions at all costs (e.g. The VP debate, and all the dozens of press conferences that, err, haven't happened).

This is all exactly how the SNL routines went down: she stayed on script; she appeared to have fought the urge to improvise (you could see her reading from the teleprompters), she probably rehearsed a lot to say all that nothing. She sprinkled in the expected "you betcha", and most of all, the lines she was given went out of their way to explicitly say she wasn't going to say anything.

Unfunny, and self-destructive.

How can her campaign possibly have thought this was a good idea?

I'm almost surprised she wasn't waving a little white flag from the Weekend Update desk.

I can already picture her next line, if the show ever has her back:

"Live in Washington DC, it's President Obamaaaaaa"

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Hello friends,

So yes its true, as of October 2008, little old Leathermouth has signed to Epitaph records. January 2009, we will be releasing a 10 song full length compact disc.(ha so bear with us just a bit longer.) Iapos;ve been completely stressed out finishing the artwork before deadlines so I apologize if my update doesnapos;t make alot of sense...but...I just wanted to say I am very excited to have this record released and even more excited to be working with one of my favorite labels, Epitaph. Damn it feels like its been a lifetime of waiting for this record to see the light of day.. But it really is a dream come true... Every step of this journey has been a blast, from the first practice, to touring with reggie, and now seeing the artwork come to life. I apologize to everyone that has been waiting along with us but fuck man, Iapos;ve been busy ...and we really wanted to make sure everything was right and now...finally, I truly feel its coming out right.

So thank you again for sticking with us and trusting that one day something would eventually hit your stereo in its face. We hope its worth the wait.

xofrank and Leathermouth

copied from LMapos;s myspace blog.

I cant believe itapos;s been almost 3 years of waiting. Lol
Iapos;m especially excited to see the artwork. I hope itapos;s not all monkeys and rats again :[

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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So.. He will be arriving today. � just hoping for the best.

im still on this journey where im seeking for happiness ...has anyone been there ?�i think i got lost.
its this road im walking in, the darkest road i have ever seen and i have been able to make it by myself but i think im getting scared.
to much darkness and silence has been keeping me frightened. �i used to think u always walked so fast leaving me behind and i always tried to run so i could reach you. Now i think its me who is leaving you behind. �you used to enlight my way, u used to shine so brigth that u could leave people blind. Whereapos;s ur spark ?�got lost in the way ?�u used to be my heroe, used to be the person i wished i was. Now im only wishing to be me, and im praying for your life. Its seems like ur on the same spot u were before, without moving, making a sound. I always thought u were the best. Thoughts and feelings just vanish.
i dont think i know u anymore. What have you done to the person i loved ?�i miss him way too much.�
the worst part is.. Every good memory i had from u has just dissapeared. Theres nothing good i can think of you, this bad things uve done come and haunt me everyday. Why cant i see the good in you ?�
ive been feeling weird lately

this anxiety has been keeping my nails short. I just want to make this over. Stop the pain, stop the rain. The sky is beautiful when it shines and u are making it grey. Making me grey.�

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